Enigmon Database

Wondering what the 200+ Enigmon are that you’ll encounter during your journey ? Look no further ! The Database is where you’ll record your encounters and gather data on these mysterious creatures ! Below is the list of Enigmon you can hope to encounter while on your adventure. The only hard part is gonna be choosing who to add to your team !

002. - Dandiseed

005. - Flambi

008. - Jellisea

011. - Klepchick

014. - Vipolt

017. - Molarkey

020. - Porklet

001. - Wispith

003. - Pompuff

006. - Fawnitro

009. - Umbralia

012. - Macawder

015. - Elekobra

018. - Holeymoley

021. - Razorhog

004. - Dandeluxe

007. - Burstag

010. - Physoulis

013. - Buccanaw

016. - Lethalisk

019. - Duggernaut

022. - Boarbecue