This group, known as Team Enigma, consist of trainers young and old. Their main force is made up of young trainers, around their late 20’s to early 30’s who have already gone on a journey of their own. However, their adventures had ended in defeat. Unable to cope with their losses, these Grunts were wayward individuals who had fallen in with Team Enigma after listening to its’ leader talk about the world being an unfair place for many. They now seek to assist its’ leader in “Rebalancing The World”, though even they’re unaware of what this actually means…

Team Enigma

Standard Grunt ♂

Their leader is an individual shrouded in mystery, and the group’s goal is one known only to its’ highest ranked members. According to their leader, they met the Legendary Enigmon on their journey and were subsequently defeated by it. That major loss made them furious, but what had made the whole thing worse was the “look” they were given by the Legendary, which sparked the creation of Team Enigma, as a means of eliminating the Legendary once and for all…

Elite Grunt

Settling A Score

Elite Grunt

Meet Enigma’s Admins !

Team Enigma’s Admins were hand-picked by its’ Leader, and the trio are all individuals who have had their own trials and tribulations that have led them down this path of joining this mysterious organization. Though they take orders from their boss, each of them has their own personal goals and desires, which they firmly believe they can achieve by working for Team Enigma. You’ll encounter them along your journey, getting to understand who they are and why they’ve chosen to go down a villainous path, though talking them out of it will be a harsh lesson in futility…



"The Behind-The-Scenes Broker"

Role: Team Enigma Admin/Financial Acquisitions


"The Supreme Scientist"

Role: Team Enigma Admin/Research & Development

"The Aggressive Assailant"

Role: Team Enigma Admin/Grunt Trainer & Battle Specialist

Standard Grunt

With these 3 at Team Enigma’s side, it’ll be an uphill battle trying to put a stop to the organization’s plans.

Are you up to the task, trainers !?

Boss Mode

Not much is known about the leader of Team Enigma, not even by its’ own members. They spend their time hidden in the shadows and initiating plans from afar. Rest assured though, they are fully aware of you, Trainer !

After repeatedly thwarting their plans at every turn, the boss of Team Enigma might just grace you with their presence…

But just who are they…?