Sorry trainers, but our Database 3.0 page is going to be under construction for the time being. There are several mon designs who will be receiving a facelift, and our Database as a whole will be getting an overhaul as well ! After some serious thought, I came to realize that some of the designs were weaker than I would have liked, and as such, they will be getting new art to reflect this.
Additionally, the Database itself is also due for an update, and will be getting a major redesign. You can expect to see much more detailed information on each and every mon once Database 4.0 is ready to roll out ! But for the time being, the Database will not be visible on the site. Please bear with me as I get to working on a new and improved look for our mons and the site.
Database Deconstruction
The 3D Environment of the Nerida Region has gotten a facelift !
While this is still being developed, you can expect the region’s routes, towns and locales to look more visually interesting than before !
Regional Redesign
Our battle system may look familiar, and that’s actually by design. We wanted to make things feel as familiar to Pokémon as possible. With that said though, we’re of course doing some things differently, such as our Stamina System in place of PP.
Every move has a cost to use, and all Enigmon have a limited amount of Stamina. Because of this, you’ll need to plan attacks carefully, and make sure not to leave yourself without any Stamina, or you’ll be forced to use the Rest command. This only restores a small amount of Stamina ! Should a move cost more Stamina than you have available, you’ll see your Enigmon’s HP drop to make up for the difference.
We wanted some heavy risk and reward with our battle system, and the video shows how easily a simple misuse of your Stamina can render you defenseless when it really counts !
Battle System, Go !
Stamina and HP aren’t all that matters in a fight however. An Enigmon’s ability can play a significant role in making or breaking your strategy, and is an integral part in team synergy, type matchups, and more !
Type Matchups are important too, as learning all 18 Types’ strengths and weaknesses will be key in finding the best possible moves, abilities, and strategies, as well as your team’s composition. Having too many overlapping types might work in some cases, but be detrimental in others.
Of course, you’re welcome to play however you wish, and we encourage experimentation and trial and error. Use whatever you like. That was the entire reason for creating 250 Mons to choose from in the first place !
We’re excited to share more details about battles and capturing in the (hopefully) near future !