The Enigmon Database

Want to know about the 200+ Enigmon are that you’ll encounter during your journey ? Look no further ! The Database is where you’ll record your encounters and gather data on these mysterious creatures ! Below is the list of Enigmon you can encounter while on your adventure. The only hard part is gonna be choosing who to add to your team !

001. Wispith

005. Flambi

009. Umbralia

002. Dandiseed

006. Fawnitro

029. Puposterous

033. Zipizapi

013. Buccanaw

017. Molarkey

021. Razorhog

025. Hunyqueen

037. Mantaze

010. Physoulis

014. Vipolt

018. Holeymoley

026. Plinko

030. Baheemoth

034. Pozzappive

038. Purradox

022. Boarbecue

003. Pompuff

007. Burstag

011. Klepchick

015. Elekobra

019. Duggernaut

023. Paknik

027. Flingo

031. Inspekta

035. Negzappive

039. Safe’N’Meowned

004. Dandeluxe

008. Jellisea

012. Macawder

016. Lethalisk

020. Porklet

024. Pilfant

028. Gigapillar

032. Trickoon

036. Paireamour

040. Kittastrophe