Evolution Items

These items will allow your Enigmon to Evolve ! Some require special stones that induce evolution, while others need a specific item before they’ll evolve.

Evo Stones

Feral Stone

A rugged, sharp stone that exudes beastial energy. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

Flame Stone

A rough, charcoal-like stone that's warm to the touch. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

Liquid Stone

A slimy, wet stone plucked from a body of water. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

A smooth, glassy stone that creates a rainbow-like sheen. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

Spectrum Stone

Lightning Stone

A jagged, magnetic stone that gives off an electrical charge. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

Soul Stone

An old, worn stone resembling a gravestone. Ghostly energy pours from within. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

Shade Stone

An ominous, evil looking stone that seems to always be watching. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

A sharp, jagged stone that looks vile and dangerous to the touch. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

Toxic Stone

A hard, smooth stone with icicles jutting from it that are chilling to the touch. Makes some species of Enigmon evolve.

Frozen Stone

Evo Items

Firmware Update

A USB drive full of updates, patches, and software upgrades. It seems to have an effect on a certain Enigmon.

Corrupted Drive

A USB drive full of malware and corrupted data. It seems to have an effect on a certain Enigmon.

A computer chip designed to be used in vehicles that greatly improves their functions. It seems to have an effect on Ottobiel.

Onboard Computer

Metal Plate

A durable alloy that can be used to strengthen the Defense Stat of Metal Types. It may be used to evolve certain Enigmon.

Electric Engine

An electric engine designed for locomotives. It can be used to evolve Railerode.

Diesel Engine

A diesel engine designed for locomotives. It can be used to evolve Railerode.


A powerful rocket engine designed for space travel. It may be used to evolve Shuttlebug.

Queen’s Crown

A crown fit for a queen. It may be used to evolve Female Honeybuzz.

Knight’s Spear

A spear to be used by a mighty knight. It may be used to evolve Male Honeybuzz.

Rainbow Jewel

A glistening, rainbow colored jewel that seems to be treasured by Roardinary.

Old Storybook

A dusty old tome said to contain countless tales, as well as an evil spirit. It may be used to evolve certain Enigmon.

Foul Potpurri

A jarred collection of herbs and plants that gives off a pungeant aroma. It may be used to evolve a certain Enigmon

Unstable Compound

A volatile mixture that is highly toxic as well as flammable. Poxious is drawn to it for some reason...

Makeup Kit

A kit consisting of cosmetics to enhance one's beauty. It may be used to evolve Vexling.

That’s all the Evolution Stones and Items planned for the game, but there’s still other items to see, so check them out and look for more updates in the future !